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Writer's pictureSindy Thomas

Top Career Myths and Misconceptions

It may sound surprising, but as with any other segment of human existence, there are also career myths and misconceptions we shouldn't take seriously. Often, we take for granted some common beliefs that society shares as accurate. However, it's necessary to look at them more objectively and realize they are really untrue. And why is that, you may wonder? Well, if you believe something to be a reality, it may steer you in the wrong direction. It may cause you to make wrong decisions because you don't have all the information. So, in a way, assuming specific popular beliefs to be true can hinder reaching your highest potential. Therefore, let's go over top career myths and debunk them.

There is one perfect career for you

Unless you are the next Beethoven, it's highly unlikely there is only one career you were born to do. For a well-organized and smart person who likes working with other people, many possible career paths would be an equally good fit and as much fulfilling.

Once you have chosen your career field, you will see multiple career options developing in front of you. Moreover, what you consider a perfect job today, may no longer be perfect in the future. There is nothing wrong with changing your mind and pursuing another career path.

Being self-employed means being free

Thinking that being self-employed will buy you freedom is a prevalent misconception. The only freedom you might get is choosing which 60 hours in a week to spend working. In the beginning, you will spend a lot more hours working than others because you probably won't be able to afford to hire another employee. So, you will have to do everything yourself.

If you are not a determined, ambitious person, if you also lack the willingness to work long hours and devote several years of life to building a business, find a job. Also, if you don't think you can withstand a tremendous amount of responsibility and high levels of stress, choose a different career path.

30 is the new 20

Unfortunately, it's not. People in their thirties, who have just now realized what they want to do in their lives, typically regret wasting all those years. It would be smart to talk to people who have made it and those who have not and come to your own conclusions as to what you should do differently and what would be a good practice to copy.

So, whatever you want to do, don't postpone it. Don't wait until you're 30 when you should already have some things figured out. Make a name for yourself, get a taste of responsibility and obligation, and experience on your own skin what it means to work toward success. When you have a base established and confident, you can change the world.

That being said, don't be afraid to change your career direction. It's ok if you realize you want something different. After all, what's the point of everything if you are miserable?

Getting a degree is a must

Specific professions absolutely require a degree like doctors or lawyers, and some employers will also demand a university degree. Getting a higher degree is just not for everyone. For some careers, an AA degree will suffice for the career choice. For professional technicians like electricians, carpenters, and plumbers there are apprenticeship programs. Getting a 4-year degree is a costly endeavor in both time and money. Currently some businesses are considering bypassing the 4-year degree requirement for certain positions, if the individual has gained the required skills needed for the role in a prior job(s).  You must take the time to figure out what type of work you want to do and determine what the educational requirements are needed for it.

The best place to start looking for an occupation is the field that hires the most people now

One of the most common career myths and misconceptions is to choose the field that is currently trending. For instance, we live in the age of computers and ever-developing technology and all businesses rely on computer technology. In recent years, jobs in the field of computers have grown as technology advanced resulting in a higher interest in Information Technology as a career choice. However, there are other industry sectors to investigate. There are shortages in the medical field with sharp declines for nursing, doctors, and medical technicians. During the pandemic people adopted more pets which produced a veterinarian shortage. During that time, the insurance industry also soared. When considering a new field, think about your inherent talents, personality, think about if the job will suit you long-term; and what will the future needs be for that profession.

It is essential to remember that the job market is always changing. If you are deciding on a field of study based on current market demands, think again. Business needs have morphed and will continue to change significantly by the time you graduate. Select a career that has a strong chance of career longevity in the future.

Do what you love, and you won't have to work a day in your life

Sure, you will. Work is work. And it will demand time, devotion, and some stress. If you want to be good at your job, this is what it takes. Of course, this is not to say you will not enjoy your work; you most definitely will thrive in your chosen profession if it is what you love to do. And you will minimize the chances of ending up in a field not right.  But you should consider other factors when accepting a position like company culture; your manager's work style--does it align with your work style; does the work schedule fit your lifestyle; and can you collaborate well with other members of the team? Looking deeper into these elements will help you make your work more fulfilling.

The list of career myths and misconceptions is practically endless

There are so many more career myths and misconceptions, from those related to choosing your field and embarking on the career journey, finding the desired job or changing a position, to climbing the career ladder. A good rule of thumb is not to believe everything you hear. Think for yourself and research. You never know what wonders await if you allow yourself to think freely without the constraints of what society imposes on you.

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