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Glass Buildings

For Women

We offer in-depth programs to elevate your career.

Sign-up below for an appointment.


I was raised to keep my private life private. Sharing my struggles was always difficult for me. I am, opening up hoping that my story will help someone else. Hitting rock bottom, I found myself bedridden in my parents' home after being diagnosed with a debilitating illness. In a span of 18 months, I lost everything - my health, my job, my income, my newly built home, my marriage, and my self- confidence. For six years, my health continued to deteriorate, I became very weak, dropping to just 100 lbs.


Determined to prove to my ex-husband that I could survive on my own, I channeled all my anger and hurt into reinventing myself. With the support of an older brother, I realized proving I could survive on my own was something I needed to prove to myself. Through my spiritual journey back to Jesus. Transforming my pain into power I saw myself as “the gift”. My strength and courage increased with each passing day.


Taking control of my life I learned to use a computer. With renewed confidence, I transitioned into a Trainer role at a youth employment training program. While, using my teaching skills a passion for recruiting was discovered. Later when the program lost its funding, through persevering I got a Recruiter Position, proving to myself I could overcome obstacles and thrive in my personal life and career.


My skills and experience as a Recruiter deepened and I was successful working in multiple industries at varying levels for over 25 years, including being a Consultant, a Recruiting Manager, and a Director of Talent Acquisition.

Office Hall

My Mission

Helping women discover and unleash their true potential, elevate their careers, and find purpose and meaning by unlocking the power within.

My Vision

Empowering women to unleash their untapped potential, strategically navigate a career path for success, and create lives filled with purpose.

The Insider's Career Club Podcast was ranked as one of the best Job Search podcasts from thousands on FeedSpot by listeners, social media and for freshness.

“I first met Sindy reporting to her as we built a commercial organization and went through acquisition - both firsts for me. Sindy’s steady guidance through the change management was critical to our teams success and the lessons I learned are with me today. Sindy has continued to work with me across several ventures as a key consultant and trusted advisor to me and team lead. She is a natural leader/mentor/coach who draws us in and we leave better than we came. I continue to relay on Sindy’s guidance and highly recommend her.”

Wes Burwell, VP, HR

"I hope you are doing well! I am very happy to tell you that my interview went well and I will be receiving an official offer sometime today. Thank you for your time and help, it made a huge difference for me."


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Get the career you deserve!


Schedule some time with Sindy today!

Resume Rx & Our Innovative Job Search Techniques

Revitalize your resume to reignite your career. Transform your job search with cutting- edge methods.

Interview Excellence Training & Offer Negotiation Bootcamp

Shine brightly in interviews and excel in negotiating job offers like a Pro!

Career Roadmap & Career Navigator Program

Create your career blueprint with expert guidance. Activate your career blueprint with the regular guidance from a Career Strategist/Mentor.


Get Your Groove Back Program

Defeat self-doubt and master those feelings of inadequacy.

6 Step Recognition Strategy

Be seen, heard, and get recognition for your work.

5 Step Career Elevator

Reach new professional milestones with expert support and direction.

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