Many businesses from pharmaceutical to technical companies like Google, Facebook, Shopify, Salesforce, Twitter and others turned on a dime with the Covid 19 shutdown and switched to working remotely. Some pharmaceutical companies aren’t planning on returning to onsite offices until 2021. Google allowing employees to work from home until the summer of 2021 according to WSJ article on July 27, 2020. This remote about face for remote work is great for job seekers. Job Seekers are now able to work anywhere, for any company open to remote working. Not only do companies get the benefit of great workers but are no longer saddled with relocation costs. With WFH (working from home) as the new “next normal” the Remote moniker is now showing up on job postings. Due to the lack of a vaccine, the old normal won’t be back anytime soon. It’s likely the boom in WFH will go into the second and third quarters of 2021 and remain as part of the new normal.
In a McKinsey Report, April 7, 2020, “Which small business are most vulnerable to Covid-19—and when”
Industries more affected by Covid-19: Accommodations and Food Services; Arts, Entertainment and Recreation; Educational Services; Other Services (except public administration); Transportation and Warehousing; Wholesale Trade.
Per a LinkedIn an article by Cesar Zulaica Pineyro, September 16, 2020
““The Most In-Demand Jobs Right Now” are
1. Salesperson
2. Software Engineer
3. Registered Nurse
4. Food Delivery Driver
5. Cashier
6.Store Associate
7.Tax Associate
9.Financial Advisor
10.Project Manager
The top 5 most In-Demand Jobs Right Now” for August 2020 were:
1. Salesperson
2. Food Delivery Driver
3. Registered Nurse
4. Software Engineer
5. Store Associate
Per an article on Careers Wiki, February 21, 2020 states
“60 Job Search Tips That Will Get You Hired (Backed by Science)”
1. 78% of Hires have resulted in hires either from within or outside of the company. This has been trending upward since 2009. Clearly it’s time to use those networks you have and keep expanding them. LinkedIn is best for business networking.
2. Industry buzzwords increase hire ability by 29%. But don’t overuse them. Make sure these buzzwords are relevant to your experience.
3. Hiring Managers spend an average of 7.4 seconds looking at a resume.
4. You are 46% more likely to be hired if you apply on a Monday and 56% more likely to get an interview if you send your resume in on a Monday.