BUSINESS NEWS Talview conducted a survey in November 2020 in which 400 companies participated in a survey. Some participating companies are: Uber; Kellogg’s; Zoom; Disney; Amazon; Princeton University; Indeed; Huawei; Stanford Health Care; Red Bull; Adecco; Randstad; and Home Advisor. See findings below:
80% of respondents said their interviewing and hiring process is now fully remote
79% of respondents believe remote hiring can help improve diversity in their organizations.
73% of organizations are satisfied with how remote work is going so far
75% feel satisfied with remote technologies.
IT, Management, Sales & Marketing and Operations & Finance roles lead the way in remote work prevalence.
Other changes include a higher adoption rate of new remote hiring technologies. Respondents said they plan to increase future use of these tools: 39% more video interviewing; 13% more online technical skills assessments; 12% more online soft skills assessments.
Talview and LinkedIn report Virtual Interviews will remain part of the interview vetting process.
Surprise! The Virtual Interview is here to stay. What made it possible for companies to continue hiring during the pandemic has now become a staple of the interview vetting process.
Virtual interviews makes it convenient for Recruiters and an Interview team to talk to any candidate anywhere. This interview medium along with the increase in remote positions has expanded the candidate pool for employers. Get your computer ready and practice your interviewing skills. You’ll need to get up-to-speed with this format, if you’re looking for work. I’m working on a podcast on the finer points of virtual interviewing…STAY TUNED!
For more information and tips go to the interviews section at www.insiderscareerclub.com.
Networking you should also realize that even in a shutdown networking can and will switch to online. Make sure your online presence is clear, concise and makes you look good. Reach out to your network, especially close friends and former associates, update them on your career status and enlist their help. Schedule a brief 10-15 minute Zoom meetings or call and give them clarity on what you are looking for in a position. You can further develop your online presence by a vlog, blog, or article sharing. Update your LinkedIn and other social network presence. Develop a job search routine, keep on your routine but remember to give yourself regularly schedules breaks as well. You’ve got a new year, use it to your best advantage.
RallyFwd Recruitment Marketing polled attendees at a recent conference regarding expected hiring in 2021. Findings are below:
Next year, is your company planning to:
Hire more and grow: 66%
Stay flat and steady: 22%
Reduce workforce and survive: 2%
Unsure: 10%
In 2021, will your company primarily be:
Remote friendly (allow work from anywhere for most or some roles) 52%
Remote first (anyone can work anywhere, with few restrictions) 20%
In person (employee expected to work onsite) 20%
Unsure: 8%
Not so fun fact – According the WSJ the average worker has only about 2 hours and 48 minutes of productive time a day. They suggest to make the most of your time by spending 10-15 minutes planning what you want to get done for the week. Then schedule your day according to when you work best for those most important tasks. Makes you wonder what we’re doing with our time, doesn’t it?
The below information came from Glassdoor.

The below information came from a Glassdoor article dated December 22, 2020.
